CCN s15-16

Centre chorégraphique national de Caen en Normandie

Visual identity season 2015-2016


Arts & culture


Caen’s Nation­al Cho­reo­graph­ic Centre – referred to as the “Centre Choré­graph­ique Nation­al de Caen” in French – asked Murmure to come up with a graph­ic design for their 2015–2016 sea­son, one dir­ectly linked to their site’s new visu­al identity.

visitez le site

Seasonal identity

The agency wished to high­light the rela­tion­ship to space as a scen­ic com­pos­i­tion, whilst con­tinu­ing the work that was ini­ti­ated dur­ing the pre­vi­ous sea­son. The tear, ran­dom and manu­al, is hereby under­lined by the com­bin­a­tion of geo­met­ric shapes and the paper’s vari­ous tex­tures. Min­im­al­ist, eleg­ant and sin­gu­lar, the com­pos­i­tions work in sets and blend in per­fectly with the new visu­al identity.


Art Direction
Julien Alirol
Paul Ressencourt

Graphic Design
Guillaume Brindon

Project Management
Damien Bullet"