CCN s18

Centre chorégraphique national de Caen en Normandie
Visual identity for season 2018
Arts & culture
© Mickaël Phelippeau
We are collaborating with Caen’s National Choreographic Centre in Normandy* for the 3rd consecutive year. For this new creation, we have worked alongside Photographer and CCN Companion Artist Mickaël Phelippeau. *The “Centre Chorégraphique national de Caen” in French, later referred to as the CCN.
The CCN’s visual identity is further expanding around the concept of tearing, henceforth paired with photographic work.
Movement, the tearing action, is expressed through a relationship to space, a composition, and reveals its graphic potential, a controlled randomness from the paper substance.
Movement conveyed by Fine-Art Photographer Mickaël Philippeau
Murmure asked the artist to transpose his vision of movement, then reprocessed the pictures by adding substance and colour saturation to confront them to all the tears.
Body and Movements: A game of construction and deconstruction
The relation to space: lightness and transparency
We have established a principle of analogy between substance and the moving body.
Understated, elegant and minimalistic layouts highlight the composition work

An efficient and dynamic graphic principle
The new visual adapts perfectly to all communication media.
Art Direction
Julien Alirol
Paul Ressencourt
Mickaël Phelippeau
Graphic Design
Guillaume Brindon
Project Management
Damien Bullet