CCN s18

Centre chorégraphique national de Caen en Normandie

Visual identity for season 2018


Arts & culture


We are col­lab­or­at­ing with Caen’s Nation­al Cho­reo­graph­ic Centre in Nor­mandy* for the 3rd con­sec­ut­ive year. For this new cre­ation, we have worked along­side Pho­to­graph­er and CCN Com­pan­ion Artist Mick­aël Phelip­peau. *The “Centre Choré­graph­ique nation­al de Caen” in French, later referred to as the CCN.

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The CCN’s visu­al iden­tity is fur­ther expand­ing around the concept of tear­ing, hence­forth paired with pho­to­graph­ic work.
Move­ment, the tear­ing action, is expressed through a rela­tion­ship to space, a com­pos­i­tion, and reveals its graph­ic poten­tial, a con­trolled ran­dom­ness from the paper substance. 

Illustration of the project CCN s18

Movement conveyed by Fine-Art Photographer Mickaël Philippeau


Murmure asked the artist to trans­pose his vis­ion of move­ment, then repro­cessed the pic­tures by adding sub­stance and col­our sat­ur­a­tion to con­front them to all the tears. 

Body and Movements: A game of construction and deconstruction

The relation to space: lightness and transparency

We have estab­lished a prin­ciple of ana­logy between sub­stance and the mov­ing body.

Understated, elegant and minimalistic layouts highlight the composition work

Illustration of the project CCN s18

An efficient and dynamic graphic principle

The new visu­al adapts per­fectly to all com­mu­nic­a­tion media.

Illustration of the project CCN s18


Art Direction
Julien Alirol
Paul Ressencourt

Mickaël Phelippeau

Graphic Design
Guillaume Brindon

Project Management
Damien Bullet