
Generator Hostels

Visual identity for a rooftop bar




The Gen­er­at­or Hostel group has entrus­ted Murmure with design­ing the visu­al iden­tity of the out­stand­ing Rooftop Bar its hotel fea­tures in Par­is, loc­ated Place du Col­on­el Fabien.


The Rooftop Bar in Par­is has two dis­tinct­ive fea­tures, and no small ones at that: it offers one of the finest 360° views in Par­is and is set up under a Per­sian tent. Murmure has there­fore designed a logo based on the Arab­ic word “Khayma” (which means “tent” in French and Eng­lish), by incor­por­at­ing the icon­ic monu­ments of Par­is which can be seen from the Rooftop. 

Illustration of the project Khayma

The elegance of the word "Berber Tent” written in Arabic


The word “Tent” writ­ten in Arab­ic is pro­nounced “Khayma” in French and English. 

Illustration of the project Khayma

Incorporating, within Arabic lettering, all the landmarks which can be seen from the Rooftop

A unique, legible and meaningful logotype

We have incor­por­ated the nat­ur­al sub­stance pro­duced while the draw­ings were made, which adds graph­ic rich­ness and elegance. 

Illustration of the project Khayma
Illustration of the project Khayma

Processed in gold against a black background, the logo also exists as a pattern

Murmure has hereby added its sig­na­ture to an eleg­ant, sin­gu­lar and rich brand image which matches this extraordin­ary location. 

Illustration of the project Khayma


Art Direction
Julien Alirol
Paul Ressencourt

Graphic Design
Guillaume Brindon

Project Management
Damien Bullet