Le Murmure


Custom typographic creation




To renew our brand image, we have decided to base our remod­el­ling on cus­tom-designed typo­graphy: the Murmure typeface (« Le Murmure » in French). We have developed an espe­cially dis­tinct­ive, edit­or­i­al and eleg­ant font, which has been com­ple­men­ted by sur­pris­ing styl­ist­ic variations. 


  • Red Dot: Grand Prix
  • Type Directors Club: Certificate of Typographic Excellence
  • 50e club des DA — Gold

A close collaboration between Art Directors and typographers.

Murmure has chosen to work with Jérémy Landes, a typo­graph­er within
Stu­dio Triple, a his­tor­ic­al mem­ber of the Vel­vetyne Type Foundry and author of « Solide Mirage ». Jérémy has lent an attent­ive ear to cre­ate a typeface in line with our image. The Murmure font plays on a skil­ful mis­match between char­ac­ters, cre­at­ing a unique rhythm which car­ries our voice. This fruit­ful and enrich­ing col­lab­or­a­tion strengthens Murmure’s graph­ic and col­lab­or­at­ive vis­ion to under­take sin­gu­lar and sens­it­ive projects. 

Illustration of the project Le Murmure
Illustration of the project Le Murmure

A typeface designed for a brand image

Used as a titling font, it is paired with a text font, the Proph­et typeface (from the Din­amo Foundry). Its height and the sta­bil­ity of its shapes lend it eleg­ance, whilst details inspired by cal­li­graphy and tech­nique reveal all of Murmure’s notions of exper­i­ment­a­tion, research and creativity. 

Illustration of the project Le Murmure

An editorial typeface

The Murmure font is a typeface devoid of serifs which com­bines effect­ive­ness, legib­il­ity and sin­gu­lar­ity. Its highly con­densed pro­por­tions draw their inspir­a­tion from magazine titling fonts and add the edit­or­i­al dimen­sion we wished to endow our new iden­tity with. 

Illustration of the project Le Murmure
Illustration of the project Le Murmure

The graphic richness of stylistic variations

This typeface comes with many glyph vari­ations, mean­ing altern­ate let­ters drawn in an even more ori­gin­al way. Here lies infin­ite poten­tial which we will take great delight in exploit­ing through a ran­dom func­tion, both digit­ally and on our prin­ted material. 

Open source

The Murmure typeface will soon be dis­trib­uted for free, licensed under the Open Source SIL OFL by the Vel­vetyne Type Foundry. This will enable every­one to get the hang of this font for future creations. 

Le Murmure Try me!


Art Direction
Julien Alirol
Paul Ressencourt

Type Designer
Jérémy Landes