Nike ⚡ Kobe


Artwork for the 2017 Kobe Bryant T-Shirts collection


Sports & activity


Nike USA has selec­ted the agency for the qual­ity and ori­gin­al­ity of its graph­ic cre­ations so that it may design one of its visu­als for NBA Star Kobe Bryant’s collection.


It is there­fore with much pride and enthu­si­asm that our artist­ic dir­ect­ors got down to work by mobil­ising all their tal­ent and exper­i­ence to come up with mod­ern and con­tem­por­ary cre­ations, which fall in line with the world the Amer­ic­an firm has developed around the image of its Black Mamba.

Illustration of the project Nike ⚡ Kobe

A new visu­al and typo­graph­ic cre­ation, which is con­tem­por­ary and sin­gu­lar, like the brand image of the sportswear firm and the icon­ic Black Mamba

 An exercise in style which we don’t get tired of.


Art Direction
Julien Alirol
Paul Ressencourt