Nördik 19

Nördik Impakt

Visual identity and website of the 19th edition


Arts & culture


For the Nördik Impakt’s 19th annu­al fest­iv­al, the Arts Attack! Asso­ci­ation has entrus­ted Murmure with its glob­al com­mu­nic­a­tion strategy in view of the event’s 20th anniversary. 


  • Awwwards — Honorable mention

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Murmure has developed an exper­i­ment­al concept around gen­er­at­ive design, a new ter­rit­ory for digit­al and cre­at­ive expres­sion. The agency has set up a strong, elec­tron­ic and eleg­ant Artist­ic Dir­ec­tion which enables the over­all mar­ket­ing cam­paign to be dir­ectly gen­er­ated in high definition. 

Illustration of the project Nördik 19

A strong visual identity which is entirely code-generated

Generative design at the heart of communication

Col­lab­or­at­ing with Brazili­an Cre­at­ive Developer Giuli­an Drimba, the agency has devised a digit­al graph­ic sys­tem: a cus­tom-designed tool at the heart of graph­ic communication.

Music and digital art

The con­nec­tion between elec­tron­ic music and digit­al art thus becomes obvi­ous and enables all com­mu­nic­at­ive fields of action to be infiltrated. 

Illustration of the project Nördik 19

An infinite number of randomly generated graphic creations


This inter­act­ive tool enables you to ran­domly cre­ate an infin­ite num­ber of graph­ic cre­ations. Used to its max­im­um extent, this tool will enable each per­son on the fest­iv­al team to cre­ate their own visual.

A graphic charter guaranteeing global coherence

Illustration of the project Nördik 19

Street marketing & poster campaign

The graph­ic cre­ations enable the event’s recep­tion facil­it­ies and urb­an land­scape to be adorned. 

A rich visual identity that coherently adapts to all required communication media

A website which has been fully revamped to place graphic interactivity at the heart of the project

We have fully revamped the fest­iv­al web­site in order to place an inter­act­ive exper­i­ence at the heart of the brows­ing process. 

Illustration of the project Nördik 19
Illustration of the project Nördik 19

Custom functionalities

The tree struc­ture has been entirely reviewed in order to take into account both the expect­a­tions of fest­iv­al-goers, to gain rap­id access to prac­tic­al inform­a­tion, and those of the fest­iv­al team, for cus­tom manageability. 

High performance responsive design

Extra spe­cial atten­tion was paid to the website’s mobile exper­i­ence. As in pre­vi­ous years, the web­site is looked up more than 70% of the time on mobile devices dur­ing the fest­iv­al. It there­fore had to be inter­act­ive, high per­form­ance and efficient. 

A dynamic, graphical and immersive announcement teaser

Upmarket and elegant merchandising

Illustration of the project Nördik 19


Art Direction
Julien Alirol
Paul Ressencourt

Front-end Development
Guillaume Morisseau

Creative Developer
Giulian Drimba

Graphic Design
Guillaume Brindon

Motion Design
Clément Protto

Project Management
Damien Bullet