Rencontres chorégraphiques

Rencontres chorégraphiques internationales de Seine-Saint-Denis

Visual identity 2020 edition


Arts & culture


The fest­iv­al of Ren­contres Choré­graph­iques Inter­na­tionales de Seine-Saint-Denis has asked us to estab­lish the Art Dir­ec­tion of its 2020 annu­al event.


This trail­blaz­ing fest­iv­al ded­ic­ated to con­tem­por­ary cho­reo­graph­ic writ­ing looks at the world from a sharp and poet­ic per­spect­ive, while con­stantly ques­tion­ing it. We have made new use of plastic mater­i­al, one that is nat­ur­ally graph­ic, the sym­bol of our con­sumer­ism: the bin bag. We have thus cre­ated a graph­ic uni­verse that ques­tions the world sur­round­ing us while remain­ing elegant. 

Illustration of the project Rencontres chorégraphiques

UltraSolar x TXT25

We have high­lighted this cre­ation through a con­tem­por­ary let­ter­press choice by work­ing with Adri­an Midzic’s Ultra­sol­ar typeface, com­bined with the TXT25 of anoth­er French type design­er, Jean-Bap­tiste Morizot. 

A graphic emphasis of movement

Illustration of the project Rencontres chorégraphiques

A rein­ter­pret­a­tion of the mass-pro­duced mater­i­al by play­ing on an eleg­ant and cur­rent col­our range.

Illustration of the project Rencontres chorégraphiques
Illustration of the project Rencontres chorégraphiques
Illustration of the project Rencontres chorégraphiques

Minimalistic typesetting.

Illustration of the project Rencontres chorégraphiques
Illustration of the project Rencontres chorégraphiques
Illustration of the project Rencontres chorégraphiques
Illustration of the project Rencontres chorégraphiques
Illustration of the project Rencontres chorégraphiques
Illustration of the project Rencontres chorégraphiques
Illustration of the project Rencontres chorégraphiques

Mise en page

A res­ol­utely con­tem­por­ary and play­ful let­ter­press thanks to its many variations.

Illustration of the project Rencontres chorégraphiques
Illustration of the project Rencontres chorégraphiques

Subtle plays on trans­par­ency and dif­fer­ences enable the con­tent typo­graphy to be homo­gen­ised with the artwork.

Illustration of the project Rencontres chorégraphiques
Illustration of the project Rencontres chorégraphiques
Illustration of the project Rencontres chorégraphiques
Illustration of the project Rencontres chorégraphiques
Illustration of the project Rencontres chorégraphiques

A mar­ket­ing cam­paign giv­ing imagery pride of place by pop­ping the line-up with­in a ded­ic­ated graph­ic space.

Illustration of the project Rencontres chorégraphiques
Illustration of the project Rencontres chorégraphiques


Direction artistique
Julien Alirol
Paul Ressencourt