Nördik 17

Nördik Impakt

Visual identity and website of the 17th edition


Arts & culture


For its 17th anniversary, Nördik Impakt – the elec­tron­ic and inde­pend­ent cul­ture fest­iv­al hos­ted in Caen by the ArtsAt­tack! Asso­ci­ation – has renewed its trust in our agency to con­duct its over­all advert­ising cam­paign for the 5th year run­ning. We have designed a sin­gu­lar, strong and vir­al visu­al iden­tity, the poten­tial of which we have exploited to the full.


  • Awwwards — Honorable mention
  • Site Inspire — Featured

visitez le site


Our wish was to come up with an edgy and vibrant visu­al iden­tity based on an espe­cially strong, dom­in­ant col­our. The graph­ic design rests on the pair­ing of this col­our with an abstract graph­ic mater­i­al which has been cre­ated by subtly blend­ing ref­er­ences to art move­ments and cur­rent digit­al tech­niques. The over­all com­pos­i­tion is out­lined by min­im­al­ist­ic geo­met­ric shapes which have been cre­ated using a metal­lic pantone, which adds shine and eleg­antly high­lights the lineup.

Illustration of the project Nördik 17


Mir­ror­ing this vir­al mar­ket­ing cam­paign, the mater­i­al cre­ates a typo­graph­ic sym­bi­os­is. NDK is its digit­al symbolisation.

Illustration of the project Nördik 17


The pair­ing of a golden metal­lic col­our with an elec­tric red graph­ic pat­tern reveals a strong and vir­al graph­ic style, whilst remain­ing subtle and eleg­ant. Golden geo­met­ric shapes play per­fectly with the light and add an elec­tron­ic note which echoes “glitch” influ­ences which also appear in our digit­al campaign.


We believe that the strength of a mar­ket­ing cam­paign lies in the sin­gu­lar­ity and rel­ev­ance with which the graph­ic design is adap­ted, depend­ing on the format each piece of advert­ising mater­i­al is giv­en, to circulate.


The agency has developed a web­site that meets the needs of both fest­iv­al-goers as well as those of the Nördik Impakt teams before, dur­ing and after the festival.
We used Word­Press, a CMS which enables the web­site to be eas­ily and quickly admin­istered and enables abso­lute free­dom when it comes to adapt­ing the web­site to the graph­ic charter. 


Regard­ing fest­iv­al-goers, 60% of them look up the web­site using a mobile phone, wit­ness­ing high traffic dur­ing the event. The media is there­fore per­fectly optim­ised, be it on mobile devices, tab­lets or desktop computers.


The agency has taken advant­age of the fact good­ies were being made to reveal cre­ations that show­case their graph­ic mater­i­al, at a cross between object design and the influ­ences of Mem­ph­is design and tex­tile design.


Art Direction
Julien Alirol
Paul Ressencourt

Front-end Development
Guillaume Morisseau

Graphic Design
Guillaume Brindon

Project Management
Damien Bullet