

Visual identity, branding and website


Arts & culture


Trem­polino, the music cam­pus and coach­ing plat­form in Nantes, has asked Murmure to fully revamp its image. This involved sub­stant­ive work to be con­duc­ted both on prin­ted and digit­al mater­i­al, by start­ing with a renam­ing: using the Trempo nickname. 

visitez le site


The agency has come up with a logo that is closely related to the location’s archi­tec­ture, which is so dis­tinct­ive and nat­ur­ally graph­ic: archi­tec­ture which is con­tem­por­ary and erec­ted above a block­house. The new logo has been developed with a great many graph­ic vari­ations that play on the inside of the upper block, held up by its sol­id base in which the logo­type is included. 

Illustration of the project Trempo

A logo which has been developed around the location’s architectural singularity

A con­tem­por­ary exten­sion held up by a his­tor­ic­al base. 

A high-performance and manageable website

The web­design makes full use of the new visu­al iden­tity and clearly dis­play the con­sist­ency between prin­ted mater­i­al and digit­al material. 

Illustration of the project Trempo

A custom secondary navigation system

Through a metic­u­lous design pro­cess con­duc­ted while fully con­sid­er­ing Trempo’s needs, we have cre­ated on cer­tain pages, a sec­ond­ary nav­ig­a­tion sys­tem which serves as chaptering. 

Synthesising & compromising

The website’s “respons­ive” ver­sions accur­ately adapt to the rich con­tent Trempo offers. 


Play­ing on the graph­ic vari­ations which were pro­duced from min­im­al­ist­ic geo­met­ric shapes, the agency has designed a visu­al iden­tity which is con­trast­ing, eleg­ant and access­ible, rich and mul­tidiscip­lin­ary while match­ing the structure.

Illustration of the project Trempo

« Trempo »

An image under­lin­ing the use of the recom­men­ded nick­name for this new design. 

A contemporary and harmonious visual identity

Illustration of the project Trempo


Art Direction
Julien Alirol
Paul Ressencourt

Front-end Development
Guillaume Morisseau

Graphic Design
Guillaume Brindon

Project Management
Damien Bullet