Café des Images

Cinéma Café des Images

Visual identity, branding and website


Arts & culture


The art-house cinema Le Café des Images, has called upon the agency to fully remod­el its image both regard­ing its prin­ted and digit­al material. 

Cinema Identity

Murmure has designed a mod­ern iden­tity based on the edit­or­i­al policy and notions under­lin­ing art-house films and art-house cinemas. The logo and logo­type that the agency has developed reveal a graph­ic play on the name and mul­tidiscip­lin­ary approach of its list­ings. The cre­ated logo thus exists in a mul­ti­tude of graph­ic com­bin­a­tions which enable the loc­a­tion, by recur­rence, to be paired with its image(s). This logo is com­ple­men­ted by a main legible Gotham typeface. It is sup­por­ted by a sec­ond­ary Gara­mond typeface suit­able for reading.

Illustration of the project Café des Images

This identity is modern, dynamic and features multiple graphic variations

The concept we have developed indic­ates change, incor­por­a­tion with­in a rich his­tory and innov­a­tion with a bold and ambi­tious digit­al strategy all at once. 

Illustration of the project Café des Images

Le Café en Revue, a proper online magazine dedicated to the world of cinema

Set­ting up a logo­type and strong col­our helps the location’s cinema-related iden­tity to be more eas­ily distinguished.
The iden­tity gives pride of place to the images and con­tent which have been put online, high­lighted by a sin­gu­lar and edit­or­i­al typeface.

Editorially-inspired advertising material

Through the list­ings and usu­al com­mu­nic­a­tion mater­i­al any cinema fea­tures, we have laid emphas­is on the legib­il­ity of all inform­a­tion and a “teas­ing” approach to the con­tent fea­tured on the website. 

Illustration of the project Café des Images

Reader comfort and access to information for a modern and innovative editorial website

The chal­lenge we had to rise to was both graph­ic and tech­no­lo­gic­al. We have developed a mod­ern, intu­it­ive, man­age­able and fully respons­ive tool which enables lead­ing art­icles, enriched con­tent and prac­tic­al inform­a­tion aimed at the gen­er­al pub­lic to be high­lighted at the same time. 

Illustration of the project Café des Images


Art Direction
Julien Alirol
Paul Ressencourt

Front-end development
Guillaume Morisseau

Graphic Design
Guillaume Brindon

Project Management
Damien Bullet