P2N 17

Festival Papillons de Nuit

Visual identity and website of the 17th edition


Arts & culture


The Papil­lons de Nuit Fest­iv­al has renewed its trust in Murmure to design its visu­al iden­tity. A spe­cial request was made this year: to pay trib­ute to the Monterey Pop Fest­iv­al “Music, Love and Flowers”. 


  • Festival Awards — Meilleure Communication Web

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Col­lab­or­at­ing with the Fest­iv­al for its 3rd con­sec­ut­ive year, Murmure has played with those graph­ic shapes that were typ­ic­al in the 1980s and explored a new mater­i­al, one that is botan­ic­al and unex­pec­ted: Lichen.
Nat­ur­ally graph­ic, this organ­ic mat­ter used in black and white adds depth and high­lights curved shapes. Used flat, these shapes form a res­ol­utely con­tem­por­ary graph­ic pattern.

Illustration of the project P2N 17

Through its nat­ur­al aes­thet­ic appeal, lichen per­fectly meets our semant­ic and graph­ic expectations. 

The creation of graphic shapes is a nod in the direction of lava lamps

Illustration of the project P2N 17

A minimalistic composition serving informational purposes

The 80s are back

Murmure has revamped and updated the graph­ic shapes and col­our palette seen through­out the 80s.

A flat tint system enables you to remove the graphic design from the content, which helps make it more legible

Illustration of the project P2N 17

Merchandising matching the festival’s colours

An eleg­ant, effect­ive and mod­ern visu­al iden­tity that per­fectly meets the client’s brief both regard­ing their prin­ted and digit­al material. 

The website for the 17th annual event matches the visual identity the agency has set up

For 3 years now, we have developed, along­side the Papil­lons de Nuit fest­iv­al team, a cus­tom web­site based on the Word­Press CMS. We improve it every year by adding fea­tures that spe­cific­ally meet the festival’s needs. As always, we there­fore pay great atten­tion to optim­ising code qual­ity so that nav­ig­a­tion may be optim­al on mobile devices.

An optimal responsive version

On the user’s side, the num­ber of logins reaches its peak dur­ing the event. A large num­ber of fest­iv­al-goers look­up the web­site on their phone, which explains how import­ant the respons­ive ver­sion is.


Art Direction
Julien Alirol
Paul Ressencourt

Front-end Development
Guillaume Morisseau

Graphic Design
Guillaume Brindon

Project Management
Damien Bullet