Nördik 20

Nördik Impakt

Visual identity and website of the 20th edition


Arts & culture


For its 20th anniversary event, the Arts Attack! asso­ci­ation has giv­en Murmure carte blanche to design and set up a brand-new cre­at­ive advert­ising strategy.

visitez le site

Identity & Concept

We have chosen to come up with a gen­er­at­ive design to enable the pub­lic to cre­ate the fest­iv­al visu­als themselves.

This advert­ising strategy is espe­cially rel­ev­ant for a fest­iv­al as it fully involves the pub­lic with­in the cre­at­ive pro­cess and enables them to come across their cre­ations in reg­u­lar dif­fu­sion spaces, while also enabling them to share them.

Illustration of the project Nördik 20

A design generated by controlled variables. An important place is given over to randomness and experimentation

Elec­tro × Generative

A per­fect semant­ic link between digit­al cul­tures and gen­er­at­ive design: a cre­at­ive and digit­al ter­rit­ory of expression. 

A unique artwork each participant will have created

Make your own poster of Nördik 20

Teaser campaign

The first advert­ising part, in black and white, is based on a gen­er­at­ive sound design. 

First part of the design

With the assist­ance of Juli­en Espagnon, we came up with an ini­tial gen­er­at­ive design: the pub­lic is invited via the nordik.org to dis­cov­er the line-up by play­ing with a son­or­ous typo­graph­ic composition. 

Illustration of the project Nördik 20
Illustration of the project Nördik 20

Nördik Impakt Journal

A journ­al by way of a pro­gramme, due to be released in the form of 5 issues, the first of which reveals the year’s line-up, but also the cre­at­ive process.

Illustration of the project Nördik 20
Illustration of the project Nördik 20
Illustration of the project Nördik 20
Illustration of the project Nördik 20
Illustration of the project Nördik 20

Social media

The deploy­ment on social media reviews the year’s first pub­li­city elements.

Second part of the design

In col­lab­or­a­tion with Matt Des­Laur­i­ers, Webgl 3D shapes are applied to the first part of the design, thus com­pos­ing a rich, col­or­ful and more com­plex creation.

Illustration of the project Nördik 20

View­ers can now find the fly­ers and posters they have designed them­selves in real. An infin­ite num­ber of res­ults are gen­er­ated by thou­sands of par­ti­cipants thanks to the Poster Gen­er­at­or.

Hall of Fame.

Illustration of the project Nördik 20
Illustration of the project Nördik 20
Illustration of the project Nördik 20
Illustration of the project Nördik 20
Illustration of the project Nördik 20
Illustration of the project Nördik 20
Illustration of the project Nördik 20
Illustration of the project Nördik 20

nordik.org bedecked in the colours of the 20th annual event

Based on the web­site that was revamped dur­ing the 19th annu­al event, our wish was always to place the inter­act­ive exper­i­ence at the heart of the brows­ing pro­cess while retain­ing a func­tion­al and prac­tic­al web­site for inter­net users.

Illustration of the project Nördik 20
Illustration of the project Nördik 20
Illustration of the project Nördik 20
Illustration of the project Nördik 20
Illustration of the project Nördik 20


Mer­chand­ising where the pub­lic can pur­chase their own creations.

Illustration of the project Nördik 20
Illustration of the project Nördik 20
Illustration of the project Nördik 20
Illustration of the project Nördik 20
Illustration of the project Nördik 20
Illustration of the project Nördik 20


The gen­er­at­ive design set up on the web­site has enabled the pub­lic to cre­ate more than 11,000 art­works, used to print fly­ers, posters and merchandise.

The web­site fea­tures more than 200k pages viewed and a few code geni­uses have even man­aged to hack the pro­gram and sur­prise us with their cre­at­ive spir­it: the magic of the internet.

Fancy hav­ing a go? Click here: Poster Gen­er­at­or

We also saw this concept as espe­cially rel­ev­ant through its eco­lo­gic­al impact as it has enabled us to print far less mater­i­al than in pre­vi­ous years. 


Art Direction
Julien Alirol
Paul Ressencourt

Front-end Development
Guillaume Morisseau

Creative Developer
Matt DesLauriers
Julien Espagnon