
In­ter­pro­fes­sion des Appel­la­tions Cidri­colles

Identité visuelle et image de marque pour le spiritueux Calvados


Wines & Spirits


The IDAC, Inter­pro­fes­sion des Appel­la­tions Cid­ri­coles, called on Murmure to take over the art dir­ec­tion of Calvados.

visitez le site

Brand Identity

In order to dust off the image of Cal­va­dos, Murmure has developed a strong and con­tem­por­ary art dir­ec­tion focused on the intrins­ic val­ues of the product : vera­city and naturalness.

Illustration of the project Calvados

A photographic A.D. as the starting point of the brand identity

Murmure chose to work in col­lab­or­a­tion with Guil­laume Belvèze for his flash sil­ver pho­to­graphy style high­light­ing the product without embel­lish­ment or retouch­ing : a bru­tal­ism, real­ist­ic, power­ful but eleg­ant, in the image of the spirits.

Illustration of the project Calvados
Illustration of the project Calvados
Illustration of the project Calvados
Illustration of the project Calvados
Illustration of the project Calvados
Illustration of the project Calvados
Illustration of the project Calvados
Illustration of the project Calvados
Illustration of the project Calvados
Illustration of the project Calvados
Illustration of the project Calvados
Illustration of the project Calvados
Illustration of the project Calvados
Illustration of the project Calvados
Illustration of the project Calvados

An authentic and contemporary brand image

The iden­tity is based on a visu­al scheme between the impact­ful, eleg­ant, urb­an and edit­or­i­al « Druk » typo­graphy, and pho­to­graph­ic contents.
High­lighted by a rich and com­plex chro­mat­ic range, this dia­logue makes it pos­sible to cre­ate simple and effect­ive visu­als and com­mu­nic­a­tion cam­paigns that go straight to the point, in the image of the product.

Illustration of the project Calvados
Illustration of the project Calvados
Illustration of the project Calvados
Illustration of the project Calvados
Illustration of the project Calvados
Illustration of the project Calvados
Illustration of the project Calvados
Illustration of the project Calvados

A sincere social media A.D.

A visu­al iden­tity that high­lights the con­tent (pho­tos and word­ing) mak­ing the inform­a­tion imme­di­ate, pleas­ant and effective.

Illustration of the project Calvados
Illustration of the project Calvados
Illustration of the project Calvados

Various mediums

The col­or­ful and rich graph­ic uni­verse can be used on mul­tiple com­mu­nic­a­tion media.

Illustration of the project Calvados
Illustration of the project Calvados
Illustration of the project Calvados
Illustration of the project Calvados
Illustration of the project Calvados

Impactful and effective communications campaigns

The com­mu­nic­a­tions cam­paigns focus on the prin­ciples of com­pos­i­tion. Mul­tiple and play­ful, these infin­it­ies of graph­ic com­bin­a­tions sat­ur­ate as much as the col­ors, the pho­tos and the logo, thus rein­for­cing this renewal.

Illustration of the project Calvados
Illustration of the project Calvados
Illustration of the project Calvados
Illustration of the project Calvados
Illustration of the project Calvados
Illustration of the project Calvados
Illustration of the project Calvados


Art Direction & Graphic Design
Julien Alirol
Paul Ressencourt

Guillaume Belvèze