European Music Incubator

Visual identity, branding and website


Arts & culture


European Music Incub­at­or is a European pro­ject coordin­ated by the Trem­polino team (in Nantes), who entrus­ted us with design­ing its visu­al iden­tity and website. 


  • Awwwards — Site of the day
  • Awwwards — Honorable mention
  • CSS Design Awards — Website Of The Day

visitez le site


The logo reveals the stages in the coach­ing and music­al train­ing pro­cess the incub­at­or offers. Work­ing both as a logo and a logo­type, it has been designed from GT Haptik, a mod­ern geo­met­ric and grot­esque typeface, legible and eleg­ant, accom­pan­ied by a strong, graph­ic and res­ol­utely digit­al two-col­our print­ing process. 

Illustration of the project EMI

We place the user at the centre of the experience

Through a strong high­light­ing of the project’s graph­ic charter and iden­tity, the Inter­net user is dir­ectly immersed with­in the brand’s universe. 

Illustration of the project EMI
Illustration of the project EMI


A One-Page web­site, entirely man­age­able, is recre­ation­al and dynam­ic, cus­tom-designed in order to com­mu­nic­ate on the pro­ject and present its tim­ing, con­tent and partners. 

We develop visual identities which are singular and meaningful

Silk screen-prin­ted on red and blue Curi­ous Mat­ter Arjowig­gins paper, the EMI’s sta­tion­ery reveals the sim­pli­city and effect­ive­ness of the logo and its graph­ic charter.


Art Direction
Julien Alirol
Paul Ressencourt

Front-end Development
Guillaume Morisseau

Atelier Première Presse