En attendant Nördik

Nördik Impakt

Visual identity of the event


Arts & culture


To cause sur­prise amongst elec­tron­ic music lov­ers, the fest­iv­al team is host­ing a pre-event entitled “En attend­ant Nördik Impakt” (Pending Nördik Impakt) at the Car­gö Con­cert Hall. 

The event takes place over 2 days and offers a com­pre­hens­ive lineup which com­bines dis­cov­er­ies and reli­ably sound gigs (Pachanga Boys, Break­bot, Dav­id August…) to fore­bode a rich and intense 18th Nördik Impakt anniversary.
It was quite nat­ur­ally that the team from Arts Attack! turned to our agency to assist them with this new ven­ue. The agency has designed a power­ful, elec­tron­ic and mod­ern black and white visu­al iden­tity. The festival’s major prin­ciples regard­ing typo­graphy and lay­out have been kept and reused for the sake of con­sist­ency, in order to inscribe “En attend­ant Nördik Impakt” as a pre-event in its own right.


Art Direction
Julien Alirol
Paul Ressencourt

Project Management
Damien Bullet