Le Cargö s12

Le Cargö

Visual identity for season 12


Arts & culture


Le Car­gö, the con­cert hall show­cas­ing the cur­rent music scene in Caen, has called upon Murmure to design the uni­verse the 2017–2018 sea­son will feature. 

Season 12.1

Col­lab­or­at­ing with the Car­gö team for this third con­sec­ut­ive year, the agency has designed a graph­ic uni­verse based on digit­al noise. Eleg­ant, deep and mod­ern at the same time, this digit­al sub­stance out­lines abstract and enig­mat­ic uni­verses which invite one into an ima­gin­ary world. 

Illustration of the project Le Cargö s12

A saturated, elegant, dreamlike and abstract digital material


The inter­pret­a­tions that eman­ate from it are both per­son­al and multiple.

Illustration of the project Le Cargö s12

Singular and infinitely adaptable artwork

A col­our range fea­tur­ing match­ing shades, emphas­ised by its com­ple­ments, adds the required depth to all compositions. 

Murmure has hereby added its sig­na­ture to a rich and deep visu­al iden­tity which is in per­fect har­mony with its graph­ic ambitions. 

Season 12.2

The con­nect­ing thread remains digit­al noise for this quarter’s visu­al iden­tity. The evol­u­tion takes place around col­our vari­ations and graph­ic shapes. 

Illustration of the project Le Cargö s12

Incorporating a geometric shape energises the graphic composition

Slightly transparent, it provides a reading direction, heightens the sense of depth and enhances digital noise

Illustration of the project Le Cargö s12

Multiple graphic combinations

Season 12.3

The graph­ic base: the work based on this digit­al mater­i­al that is the digit­al noise is rein­ter­preted again. He’s been made around a bright and sat­ur­ated chro­mat­ic range for this trimester.

Illustration of the project Le Cargö s12

The geometric shape which was initiated at the previous trimester became an integral part of the setting-up

Illustration of the project Le Cargö s12
Illustration of the project Le Cargö s12

A playful, abstract and elegant artwork which work in multiple ways

Illustration of the project Le Cargö s12
Illustration of the project Le Cargö s12
Illustration of the project Le Cargö s12
Illustration of the project Le Cargö s12
Illustration of the project Le Cargö s12
Illustration of the project Le Cargö s12

A creation conceived in series and infinitely declinable

Illustration of the project Le Cargö s12
Illustration of the project Le Cargö s12
Illustration of the project Le Cargö s12
Illustration of the project Le Cargö s12
Illustration of the project Le Cargö s12


Art Direction
Julien Alirol
Paul Ressencourt

Graphic Design
Guillaume Brindon

Project Management
Damien Bullet