Nördik 18

Nördik Impakt

Visual identity and website of the 18th edition


Arts & culture


For the Nördik Impakt Festival’s 18th annu­al event, the ArtsAt­tack! Asso­ci­ation has asked Murmure to design and devel­op a res­ol­utely artist­ic, mod­ern and elec­tron­ic visu­al identity. 

visitez le site


The agency has designed a form of typo­graphy that asso­ci­ates the rough­ness and cre­ativ­ity a brush­stroke offers with the light­ness, mod­ern­ity and eleg­ance of wired geo­met­ric shapes.
Act­ing like a pat­tern, this graph­ic cre­ation enables a strong and con­sist­ent art dir­ec­tion to be estab­lished on all advert­ising mater­i­al whilst play­ing with the lim­its of typo­graphy and graph­ic design.

Illustration of the project Nördik 18

The roughness of a brushstroke


We have cre­ated an abe­ce­dari­um which fea­tures mul­tiple vari­ations and is entirely handmade. 

Illustration of the project Nördik 18
Illustration of the project Nördik 18

A very trendy pattern which is on the border between textile design and street culture

High­lighted by a power­ful and mod­ern col­our range. 

The limit between typography and graphic design

Illustration of the project Nördik 18

Communication material

The mul­ti­pli­city in com­mu­nic­a­tion mater­i­al and the rich­ness of the iden­tity have enabled the com­mu­nic­a­tion strategy to be ener­gised on the vari­ous media and based on the vari­ous temporalities. 

A graphic pattern concealing the line-up

A black and white version produced for the teasing

It enables you to com­mu­nic­ate whilst cre­at­ing a build-up effect.

A series

Set­ting up a series causes sur­prise among the pub­lic and offers them the pos­sib­il­ity of col­lect­ing the vari­ous material. 

Illustration of the project Nördik 18


Dur­ing its 16th annu­al event, Nördik Impakt asked Murmure to fully redesign its web­site. The cus­tom tool enables an optim­al and suit­able graph­ic update to be made for each new event.

A graphic universe which has been optimised for the digital medium

The cus­tom typo­graphy has also been thought out for the web.


Dur­ing the fest­iv­al 70 to 80% of the site is via mobile.

The merchandising unveiling the fashion ambitions of the visual identity

Tail­or-made com­mu­nic­a­tion tools for fest­ivals, the agency’s mer­chand­ising show­cases the eleg­ance of graph­ic design.

Illustration of the project Nördik 18


Art Direction
Julien Alirol
Paul Ressencourt

Front-end Development
Guillaume Morisseau

Graphic Design
Guillaume Brindon

Project Management
Damien Bullet