20 ans NA

Normandie Aménagement

Visual identity and event intervention




To cel­eb­rate its twen­ti­eth anniversary, Nor­man­die Amén­age­ment, a key play­er in Normandy’s eco­nom­ic and social devel­op­ment, along with Wip, a pre­par­at­ory asso­ci­ation ded­ic­ated to the third-party pro­ject held in the Grande Halle of Colombelles, called upon Murmure to con­duct a par­ti­cip­at­ory artist­ic and graph­ic inter­ven­tion revolving around 200 key dates and an exhib­i­tion catalogue.


The aim was to ensure that the state­ment, the res­ult once the event was over, could then be put on dis­play as a work with­in the premises.


On D‑Day, guests were giv­en upon their arrival a tote bag which included a numbered invit­a­tion card, along with the exhib­i­tion cata­logue. Once they were in the hall, they dis­covered an install­a­tion fea­tur­ing 6 pan­els which had been typo­graph­ic­ally com­posed with all 200 dates. The num­ber writ­ten on the card matched a date which people were to remove, thus reveal­ing graph­ic material.

In situ

The play between the way dates were dis­ap­pear­ing and the work appear­ing, revealed dur­ing the event unpre­dict­able obser­va­tions, an espe­cially graph­ic­ally con­trolled coin­cid­ence due to the typo­graphy and mater­i­al being set against one anoth­er. The res­ult, once all dates had been fully removed, revealed a mes­sage, “Future”, broken down into 6 posters and thus able to work togeth­er or independently.
Par­tic­u­larly free when it came to its Artist­ic Dir­ec­tion, the agency developed a res­ol­utely graph­ic world based on the cre­ation of sound. This graph­ic and eleg­ant mater­i­al enabled them to design a very mod­ern and for­ward-look­ing typography.


Art Direction
Julien Alirol
Paul Ressencourt